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Not trying to start another Europe vs. the world flamewar and a #####-fest about lack of support there but I was just curious why there hasn't been a single foreign language preview.
Usually there's at least one on vsdaily, expertforum, vsitalia, tcgc4u, etc. but there isn't in this set. I guess it's just more of an observation more than anything else.
nobody likes us!! well here at fan boy we dont need no stinking previews on our site we have a wolverclops! edited by our very own ben blackwell!! and we have the mighty prize support of a jar of marmite! so screw ude we didnt want ya tins any way!!!
wolverclops is a unique, uber rare card only exclusive to fan boy 3.
The only one in exsistance its prize is woth that of any pc! its in english (tho prob not legable english) and could well be soon signed by the editor of the card in a silver pen if we can stretch to that jus in, we spent all our money on german football cards and saving the rest for world of warcraft so im sad to say that i think the silver pen is out, sorry guys.
the marmite will still be top prize to go anlong with this special card so all is not lost.
i would like to thank our friends at ude-e for making this special event and its best ever prize structure, with out them non of this glory could be possible.
(oh and btw ude-e does not suppy the marmite or the card so dont ask them for this rare gift)
Man, no wonder you Europeans were so upset. I'd be disappointed too. Nothing kills the buzz about comic book stuff quicker than news of a cancellation.
ah..that's why i saw you between registered users on the board of vsitalia some days ago canadianbacon :)
i was just wondering were looking for some pizza-previews.
Haha not quite...well not at first. At first I was looking for the X-Men patch for MWS but I always go there when I'm looking for new previews, just to see if there's anything new. I'm usually the first one to translate the previews from vsdaily but they haven't had anything this time around.