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No, with Bizarro they flipped the enitre card, image, template and all. With Zatanna, only her words need to be backwards, and the way in which her backwards-speak is presented in the comics is arranged in a very specific way.
Plus, they could have had the border of the card template look like a wooden box, so her image looks like she is doing her magic trick. It woulda been perfect.
There was some location (I think it's Checkmate Safehouse) we got with people standing over a gambling table that had its foil picture different from its normal picture. It's not a rare though, so we got no idea what it's all about.
Stargirl is a JSA 2-drop 3/1 with flight and range, when she is exhausted she gets +3 defense. Artists: Ed McGuinness & Dexter Vines. Her flavor text is some white girl attempt at a "yo mamma" joke.
Actually, I have two non-foil versions of the Checkmate location, and they have different pictures. Same exact card, though. I guess it's not limited to foil vs non.
Yeah, the Checkmate Safe House has two different pictures, one inside a casino, the other in a night club. Not sure why though. Both are common, I have 4 of each.
Also, Fatality 4 has a great type and flavour text, check it out. MORTAL KOMBAT!