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I'm sure that by now you guys are all familiar with the awesomeness that is the 6-drop Captain Marvel from JSA. I myself have managed to shout "Shazam!" no less than three times during the sneak peak. Tell me, is there any ability on all of VS System that comes anywhere near as cool as this one? I think not.
Question time: Is it legal to attempt to restrain your opponent or make him laugh or something such that he cannot say "Shazam!"?
Originally posted by ukyo_rulz Question time: Is it legal to attempt to restrain your opponent or make him laugh or something such that he cannot say "Shazam!"?
If the card is what he's hinting at then I'm very excited to see it.
ARe you kidding me.... The effect of is to say "Shazam"? Jeez talk about being an idiot while playing VS. Now I am going to feel more like a geek then ever before.
Heh, since saying Shazam! is a cost, you don't have priority while the opponent is saying it. I think you need priority to tickle someone, so you're out of luck. ;)
On a more seriously curious (curiously serious?) side, I'm assuming that a deaf Vs. player would be given some leeway if he decided to run a JSA deck. If I pull this guy at a pre-release, I may sign Shazam! and see if any lightning hits.
Yeah, that possibility crossed my mind, like they did for Etrigan back in DOR. They're both examples where the card is incredibly cool and totally perfect for flavor, so it wouldn't be totally out of left-field. Then again, even my inner rules-guy would probably be okay with this card just being an exception.
Gasp! Is it possible the Superman starter was cancelled for Vs. Unglued?!
Originally posted by HeroComplex Yeah, that possibility crossed my mind, like they did for Etrigan back in DOR. They're both examples where the card is incredibly cool and totally perfect for flavor, so it wouldn't be totally out of left-field. Then again, even my inner rules-guy would probably be okay with this card just being an exception.
Right, Etrigan! I wasn't sure if they had done anything like what I said, but that might be very possible then.
Gasp! Is it possible the Superman starter was cancelled for Vs. Unglued?!