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I bombed out, personally. 2 wins in 5 rounds, and one of my wins was to a kid who clearly didn't know how to play. I felt dirty after that.
Tombster ranked 6th overall and got a deck box, but then someone swiped it when he wasn't looking. Bad beats.
My stupid ass ran 7-drop Deathstroke with no other Villains United characters. RTFC, n00blet. -_-;;;;;;
My stupid ass also thought Check and Mate was a bomb, neglecting to notice that it can't be used until turn 6, and that's when I wanted to play Zatanna.
Zatanna is awesome, BTW- if you're ahead by enough on 6, she can seal the game right then.
The judge spent five-minute blocks explaining rulings. I appreciate that, especially at a Pre-Release where not everyone knows the new rules and double-espeically when the set complicates things as much as Crisis has. But for those same reasons, sometimes you just want a striaghtforward "yes" or "no".
I shouldn't be complaining, though, since he gave me a warning instead of a game loss for essentially misreading a card. ^_^;;;;;;;
The 6-drop Captain Marvel had me practically rolling on the floor when he was brought out, but that's going to get old even quicker then "I'M RICK JONES, B*TCH!"
Bizarro is also funny, especially the flavor text.
The HUD on the High-Tech Car seems to be the weapon list from Spy Hunter. Cute.
The art on these cards is definitely improving. Lex Luthor on the packs looks almost photographic, and supes on the Lois Lane card looks exactly like Christopher Reeve.
Amanda Waller is nuts in the right Checkmate deck.
I'm not interested in anything enough to come back to constructed. Shadowpact looks interesting, but I doubt they can beat rush, and the potential decklist is absurdly rare-heavy. We'll see if looking at the full cardlist changes my mind.
I had a lot of fun at my Sneak Peak, but going 4-0, and 3-1 tends to have that effect :)
I think that the new set once again looks really good for limited play. I could not see any standout weenie strategies (but then again, I never can :laugh: ), so hopefully limited play in this set will go to turn 7 more often. You expect a few turn 8 games, but I had a turn 9 game after we both finished turn 8 on -17. However, my opponent realised that a pump earlier in the turn would have given him the win. He had init on turn 9, and the better board, so I scooped. But turn 9 was exciting, as I love games that go to the later turns.
All up I think he set looks very good. The rare that seemed the biggest impact in sealed was Nightmaster, who seemed to equal 'win game' when played well.
6-drop captain is soooo good in sealed, won me every game.
I actually managed to get decent packs, lite on the twists but a solid curve of villians and JSA (talia, ted grant, bizarro, cheshire, captain marvel, black adam, broken when I hit that full curve). Best news though was that 1/4 of the players (5 out of 20 people - small prerelease) were new to the game and had such a great time they plan to take it up.
Really like the set, sought of has the origins feel, some really obvious strategies but some more complicated stuff aswell. Looking forward to getting my hands on villians united.
Best Set Ever? In many ways, even this early, yes.
1. Across the entire set, the artwork of Infinite Crisis takes the eye-candy to a new level. Fabulously sophisticated paintings, with hardly any dogs this time. (Jubilee, still makes me physically ill, and there is none of that.) I think it's Abjuration (someone correct me if I am wrong) that has the most Rubenesque Zatanna painting in the history of women on carboard... with a sick pop-art haunted house in the background. That magical babe is mouth-watering and meaty. In 220 cards, there is at least 600 pounds of cleavage.
2. Best shirt yet.
3. Deep, truly POWERFUL mechanics. Draft will be insanely nuts.
4. I went 3-1, traded the deckbox for a second shirt, and got a misprinted EA Lord of Order! It's got a shadow off-shift to the left, and it looks like the temple is shaking to the ground in an Earthquake. Just too damn cool.
5. 8-drop Black Adam. Bastion on steroids and LSD. What. A. Card. Discard a VU character, all characters you control get +1/+1 for the turn. Bigger than big. Fricking Huge.
This set is nuts. And I can see JSA with the T-spheres and the 2 Mr Terrifics being absolutely nuts for weenie build. +3/+3 going up the curve? Oh wait, I have Michael Holt, +5/+5 going up the curve? Oh look, my guy isn't even stunned! T-spheres was a common bane up round here. There was one game where I and my opponent deliberately under-dropped to get around that card.
Shadowpact is also pretty hot. Seriously, they have great ways of staying alive.
Got 2nd. Got the t-shirt. Got the mat. Got the deckbox. Got the Fate EA. Got 15 packs total. I definitely had a blast.
My only regret is that I didn't get a 6 drop Captain Marvel, so I never got to say SHAZAM! I did have an opponent do that to me, though. I did get the 8 drop, though. So why are all versions of Captain Marvel rares? Downside to the 6 drop is he'll be such System Failure bait.
This set feels a little bit slower than X-Men for sealed. Seems like you want to play odds if you can.
Nah. They still haven't topped the Green Lantern shirt. I don't think they ever will. I own four of that shirt, just because the Green Lantern symbol is so basic and simple cool. A superhero on your back is okay, but the GL ring? Can't be beat.
3. Deep, truly POWERFUL mechanics. Draft will be insanely nuts.
I'm not so sure that draft will be as good for this set as it is for others. There's tremendously little good and common pump that isn't Shadowpact team-stamped. Villains United have the effects to compete with the 'Pact. There might be a decent JSA weenie swarm archetype thanks to the Mr. Terrifics and T-Spheres (which are all insane), but mostly the Society are kinda weak. Checkmate relies on a bunch of gimmicks that I suspect will work only moderately well in constructed. And you usually won't see enough Secret Six for them to matter except for one guy who uses them as a secondary team out of necessity (they work well in JSA weenie swarm draft builds).
I can see a lot of drafts devolving into competitions for 'Pact (an early Conjuration or Abjuration locks you quickly into it) and VU (Mr. Freeze, Dr. Polaris and Bizarro are your early indicators) with one guy building JSA weenie swarm and one guy building the Checkmate deck that sucks.
5. 8-drop Black Adam. Bastion on steroids and LSD. What. A. Card. Discard a VU character, all characters you control get +1/+1 for the turn. Bigger than big. Fricking Huge.
Eight-drop. BAH HUMBUG! You know what impressed me? Blue Devil and Ragman. And the Hourmen. Nifty mechanic for them.
2-2 and 4-0 in two flights. Son got the mat as a door prize and I got the box as a door prize in the first flight. Then i got the EA Fate in the second flight. Go Team Robinson.
Shadowpact seemed to be the strongest team. Villains united works very well with them. One game in the second flight, I burned for 25. The 2 drop stunned a few times. 4 drop deathstroke stunned a few times. Superboy stunned once. And the plot twist to exhaust a villains united to burn them for the cost of the attacker. Def. works well together.
I had a winning record because I had to drop (2-0), and I had a really good deck. Unfortunately, I did have to drop because I had a family obligation (Mom's birthday is a good reason, right :) ), but I felt no remorse. Why? Cause I won the playmat...hells yeah :p :p :p
I love this set. Great shirt, playmat, box, and I love the great cards and mechanics in the deck! I love it!
My Pre-Release was pretty cool. I pulled some decent stuff, wasn't good though, so I relied on skill alone basically, and it basically won me 2 of the 4 games I won.
1 Game, my opponent's 6 Drop attacked my Roy Harper <> Arsenal. I used Brothers in Arms to give him +6 ATK and Shot his 7 Drop, stunned back his 6 Drop, and had a hidden Dr. Fate (6) and a Superman ready to bash his face in.
Another game, I used the Here Comes the Birdie card to move my opponents Ahmed Samsarra, Stunned it, and Used the card that returns your own villains to KO their guy, and won because of it on 5. His draw was nuts and he had odds, so I wasn't going to win otherwise.
I Beat one guy just so badly even though he had a Nuts Shadowpact deck, with the nut curve and all. Alexander Luthor 4 Drop = MVP easily. He made up for my lack of Pumps in this game easily. I killed him on 5 Off Init basically, as I stunned his board AND attacked back, but he was at like 15 and I played a 6 Drop and he scooped.
After the last round I ate chinese food, got a Fortune Cookie that said "Your luck is about to change". Naturally, Fortune Cookie magic forces were hating on me, and I ended up 6th. 1st to 5th got Playmats, but I figured at least I got a deckbox. Then, of course, it went missing. I'm 100% sure it was the YuGiOh guys there (Shane Scurry/Paul Levitin), as they were both in the area along with my friend the same time it went missing. However, as the guy running the event is good friends with them, I didn't want to accuse them and piss him off.
Yeah, then we got lost going to a card store, and ended up in *Queens* instead of Merrick (Pretty far out of the way). We ended up going to a mall and traded with some other guys, so it ended up pretty cool. I'm hoping the one tomorrow at Kings Games will be better.