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I want to make a deck other then avengers, but it cant be to expensive (Eg: 4x Enemy of My Enemy or 4x Savage Beatdown). Another thing is that it cant be to hard to run and will do alright in the current Golden Age format.
I want to make a deck other then avengers, but it cant be to expensive (Eg: 4x Enemy of My Enemy or 4x Savage Beatdown). Another thing is that it cant be to hard to run and will do alright in the current Golden Age format.
Any suggestion will be appriciated
Well, if you want to completely sell out Squad would probably cost you about $30 to put together. That depends on which tech Rares you run, of course.
As far as I know, Titans still doesn't run any EoME's. They say it's kind of a tricky deck, but it's just a bunch of side-kicks, so how hard could it be? ;)
Pretty much all of the rares from the Green Lantern set are cheap, but for a reason. Ultimately, if you are looking to have fun, build your favorite team, or build the team that has your favorite style of playing. If you are looking to win, play Squadron Supreme.
Common Enemy isn't worth that much anymore. The 4 Signal Flares, 4 Borises, and 4 ICTs are expensive to be fair, but the rest of the deck isn't that much to build.
the attacking of exhausted Characters is
good, and its pretty cheap seeing as most people don't play Arkham, so the rares are cheap (Smiles Everyone, Hush ,Two-Face, Bat's Belfry). use all the Arkham characters with exhaust effects, sucker Punch, Glass Jaw and Fear and Confusion. Those combined with Bane and Charaxes with KO their curve every turn with little to no stun back.
How could anyone with a good conscious recommend Arkham. They should rename those guys to Team Jank & Joker.
Good Guys (or as we starting to call JLU *Justice League Unlimited) isn't that expensive to build. It only requires a couple of Kooeys and Bwa ha ha ha's.