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I'm fairly new to VS, and after reading "Tech Upgrade: A Modest Proposal" and it's replies, I think we just need to come together as a community and come up with a way to upgrade the game to become:
A) More accessable to casual players
B) More supportive to both it's pros and casual players
C) A bigger success on a wider scale.
My Suggestions:
-Take a hint from Yu-Gi-Oh/Konami and release a viable starter deck that's good right out of the box. I'm talking a Starter Deck with Dr. Doom or a Starter Deck with the Titans. I know the pros with b**** and so will the guys who spend uber amounts of money on the game (I am amung them), but the game needs new blood.
-The game is about comic book characters. Is it THAT hard to market it to the comic books fans in some way? Just include some promos or alternate arts in issues of some of the big DC and Marvel books. That's not to much to ask.
-Revise the prize program. Money is cool and all, but throw in cool stuff to attract other people like computers and iPods. Something more diverse.
-Look for stores to host tourneys. Push for inproved Hobby League formats. I'm talking, each month at stores, have a larger tourney and feature the prize being a new playmat and some packs. Or new deck tins. Also, try offering other ways of obtaining EA's, deck tins, and playmats. EVERYONE loves free swag, make that something that's real in VS.
I hope to get the whole community in on this and see what everyone thinks. Maybe we can get a big proposal written and be like "this is what the game should be like". :cool:
I'm fairly new to VS, and after reading "Tech Upgrade: A Modest Proposal" and it's replies, I think we just need to come together as a community and come up with a way to upgrade the game to become:
A) More accessable to casual players
B) More supportive to both it's pros and casual players
C) A bigger success on a wider scale.
My Suggestions:
-Take a hint from Yu-Gi-Oh/Konami and release a viable starter deck that's good right out of the box. I'm talking a Starter Deck with Dr. Doom or a Starter Deck with the Titans. I know the pros with b**** and so will the guys who spend uber amounts of money on the game (I am amung them), but the game needs new blood.
-The game is about comic book characters. Is it THAT hard to market it to the comic books fans in some way? Just include some promos or alternate arts in issues of some of the big DC and Marvel books. That's not to much to ask.
-Revise the prize program. Money is cool and all, but throw in cool stuff to attract other people like computers and iPods. Something more diverse.
-Look for stores to host tourneys. Push for inproved Hobby League formats. I'm talking, each month at stores, have a larger tourney and feature the prize being a new playmat and some packs. Or new deck tins. Also, try offering other ways of obtaining EA's, deck tins, and playmats. EVERYONE loves free swag, make that something that's real in VS.
I hope to get the whole community in on this and see what everyone thinks. Maybe we can get a big proposal written and be like "this is what the game should be like". :cool:
I can dream right?
Ok so first off I'm a HUGE fan of VS SYSTEM I hold tournament at my local hobby shops twice a year where I put up cash prizes Of 100.00 dollars,cash,money first place OR a PS2 and second place 50.00 dollors,carsh,money(I am fortunate enuff to make lots of money).
I also Demo the game as well .I have a large card pool of common and uncommon cards that I give away for free because I buy 12 boxs of every set that comes out.
With that being said I think that Ude has one of the best card games I've ever played and I've played about 25-30 card games .VS system has the best mecanics of any of those card games .
They Should be promoteing this game much more I see no commercials ,no advertisments in there comic books . They could get So much push by simply ONE thing Cut a deal with Toonami and WB .
Toonami because It has Fantastic Four and Hellboy . WB has Batman and Legion of Superheroes Throw some commersials up after the shows . That alone will bring in so many more people . If kids are watching cartoons than DADs will be up watching cartoons .I know beleave me I'm 25 and still watch cartoons .
One more thing UDE needs to do a Mall tour that will generete so much buzz and you Know DAD will be kicking there kids buts all day long .
Revise the prize program. Money is cool and all, but throw in cool stuff to attract other people like computers and iPods. Something more diverse.
Your reasoning here is flawed. Money can be used to buy computers and iPods, but ALSO can pay the rent, cover plane tickets, buy groceries, etc.
It is simply more useful to offer money. If someone is hungry, the iPod does them no good. Yes they can pawn it for money, but that is plenty of extra work instead of offering them the decision of using the original money to buy an iPod or food in the first place.
I personally loathe going to prereleases because it feels like a waste of my time. When I used to play in Magic prereleases, I'd leave with a box or two worth of packs each and every time. In VS, you're lucky to get more than a few draft sets. Instead of those extra packs, you get special EAs, t-shirts, playmats. This swag you claim "EVERYONE" wants. I would rather receive a stack of packs, and then the option to trade in X packs in for a playmat, Y packs for a t-shirt, etc.
I know that my own opinion is not shared by everyone. Do you?
The fact is the game UDE is doing a poor job of manipulating the american media to sell their game for them.
To address some of your points. UDE has placed VS. adds in comic books, and industry mags, they even put a few EAs in them.
They did release a starter deck with Doom in it, but I realize that's not really your point, what you mean is not a deck with Doom in it, but a "Doom Deck". I think this may be what we will be looking at in the Hell Boy CE, but we'll have to wait and see.
As to swag over money, I like both, but with the bulk of the player base appearing to be in a higher age brackette, the idea of trying to hock their I-pod for dinner or rent money is less appealing (trust me on this).
It would drop pro attendance at smaller events (a concern I've heard, but not as significant as attendance period) if they dispensed with the money. Whether you consider that a plus or minus generally depends on who you are.
They really do need to get their act together with the shop / hobby league thing.
The best we can do is spread the good word, attend events, bring a friend, buy product - even for gifts, and be decent to the folks we meet and play against.
--oh and offer as much of our opinion to UDE as we feel will positively influence the game Like....switch the rotation of the PCQs so they preceed the PC and do not follow them.
Swag is the optium thing-love the shirts,still trying to get a 2x or 3 x HOG shirt. But other things EA's,playmats,and free boosters attract people who are more budget oriented players.
Along with hobby leagues,we need stores who are commited to the game and not just half assed. Here in Indy there is 2 shops that even carry singles and they are basically from the first 4-5 sets and that is it.If I need a fourth copy of a common from a newer set forget it will either open more packs or trade online or buy online for a simply $.25 card.Need a store that will open a box or 2 of new product so us casuall players can get the basic cards we need to finish a deck.
To show the disregard most dealers here have for VS is simply explained. So far I yet to find 1 store who ordered Gallery Packs in all of Indianapolis,that is sad.
Money is good as prizes because like a few people said you can buy what ever you want with money (not stuck with an Ipod if you already have one)
I really think we need to wait till the new year and see what the City Championships are and if they are going to change the Hobby League Set up
Your reasoning here is flawed. Money can be used to buy computers and iPods, but ALSO can pay the rent, cover plane tickets, buy groceries, etc.
It is simply more useful to offer money. If someone is hungry, the iPod does them no good. Yes they can pawn it for money, but that is plenty of extra work instead of offering them the decision of using the original money to buy an iPod or food in the first place.
I have to strongly disagree here. Money is great but we have plenty of money tournaments. We need a less cash competitive & more casual tournaments. iPODS and the such might be a nice neutral ground between the two. This game needs casual players, players who play for fun & trinkets more than money.
Quote : Originally Posted by JPinter
I personally loathe going to prereleases because it feels like a waste of my time. When I used to play in Magic prereleases, I'd leave with a box or two worth of packs each and every time. In VS, you're lucky to get more than a few draft sets. Instead of those extra packs, you get special EAs, t-shirts, playmats. This swag you claim "EVERYONE" wants. I would rather receive a stack of packs, and then the option to trade in X packs in for a playmat, Y packs for a t-shirt, etc.
While I enjoy the swag, the option of trading in swag for packs or having more packs offered in prize support is a fine option.
They did release a starter deck with Doom in it, but I realize that's not really your point, what you mean is not a deck with Doom in it, but a "Doom Deck". I think this may be what we will be looking at in the Hell Boy CE, but we'll have to wait and see.
Yeah, the Hell Boy decks can't get here soon enough. But after those, I hope they plan out more structure type decks. Those have been great for Yugioh.
Also, I've showed the game to people and they ask about building a particular deck. Know how hard it is to build a synergized deck when you're starting at nothing? Think about it. What do you tell them? "Okay, you want to build a mental deck, sure, either buy singles online or buy 20 packs or so of X-Men and see if you get the right cards." It's discouraging.
X-Men Energy, Morlock evasion, Hellfire club. Decks like that UDE could take out rares that they normally run and sell them as prebuilt structure decks. Something a player could buy, sleeve up and take to his hobbly lg and be at least competitive with most decks. Then they could buy some packs to spruce the deck up & try to get the few rares those decks normally use.
I really hope UDE does something like this following Hellboy.