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First off, I want to thank you guys enourmously for the two generic-version cards in Legion of Superheroes (Furious Assault and Ravaged). That really, really made me smile.
I also, as an avid fan of your game, would like to use this day (perhaps opportunistically - and if it comes off as inappropriate, I apologize) to ask that, in light of the banning of Dr. Light, that World's Finest give the Emerald Enemies a new 3-Drop character (or other "Turn-3-Drop") for legacy to take his spot on the curve. I have started a thread about it under "General Discussion", in which various people have given support and proposed alot of interesting ideas for a new EE character; which I will link here. Ultimatley the decision is yours, of course, but I thought I'd address you directly with the desire (or "Christmas Wish", if you will).
Regardless of what ends up coming in World's Finest, I do thank you very much for the work and effort you've put into the game and really do hope that all of you, as well as everyone here on Vs Realms, has a Merry Christmas (or any holiday this season they choose or choose not to observe).
As someone who's tried fervently to play a straight Emerald Enemies deck, let me say that this upsets me less that the more degenerate decks cannot be played, but that there are now no really good options for Emerald Enemies decks at the 3-drop spot...
... UDE, please do something to rectify the situation for the Emerald Enemies. Murderers need love too!
Just as a follow up, the thread on what people would like to see as an Emerald Enemies 3-drop (to fill the slot in curve of Dr. Light, who is scheduled to be executed in 4 days time) has pretty much died down like most threads do after 9 pages of people posting their ideas.
Even if you do take player advice to heart, I realize that any idea that does have any influence whatsoever will most likely be taken at a very basic level and that you will design the card aspects yourselves. Regardless, I thought I'd like to share what I believe the best idea to come from the giant thread was.
We aren't professional game-designers, but Player-Feedback can't hurt, right?
Whenever a resource you control is KOed, and you have less resources than you did after it is KOed, Traitor gets +4 ATK this turn. This effect only triggers once per turn.
Cosmic-Surge: KO a resource you control >> Devlos Ungol has invulnerability this turn.
This concept is actually a card idea by Sepharoth that I tweaked a little bit (and the wording may still need further tweaking). Personally, I find it to be very, very good (maybe a bit too good? maybe 4 defense and lose the willpower?)- if for nothing else but a basic concept of the type of card we'd like to see coming EE's way in DWF (which, to be honest, will be received very well simply if it is a sufficiently stated 3-Drop with a useful ability).
With now less than 100 hours until Dr. Light leaves the play table for the last time, I would appreciate some word, any word, that the Emerald Enemy legacy in World's Finest will be able to take his place soley in being a playable 3-Drop if nothing else.
Apparently the card concept I was posting everywhere had "cannot be stunned" this turn in it AND I WAS COMPLETELY UNAWARE OF IT. I believe it was accidentally left in from a previous version.
Please, please don't throw out everything I've posted just because of that very, very stupid mistake. I've removed it from the text everywhere I had it posted.
With DWF probably nearing the end of its design, assuming its not over already, and since I have yet to hear anything back, I thought I'd bump this message one last time.
Of course, I don't bump without direction reason, so here's a link to a thread where I ask people what they want to see most in World Finest, wherein multiple people specifically bring up an EE 3-Drop.
Please fufill out request. :grin:
Quote : Originally Posted by LabRat
I want an Emerald Enemies 3 drop character that's worth playing.
Access buddy, what are you going to do if it happens exactly the way you want it? Take credit?
That's a weird question.
Well it's highly unlikely that it would be exactly how I proposed (and even then, it's really Sepharoth's idea). I'm just trying to give UDE some player-feedback.
You've mentioned that you've tried to convince UDE people to consider a Promethea EC. What would happen if they just said "Ok"?
You'd probably be pretty jazzed. I doubt you'd take credit for it - given that they actually did all the work, you just said "Hey, something like this would be awesome".
All in all, my face will probably just look like this when I open a pack: :grin:.
I'll probably go find Togorian and go "Hey! Look! They made the kind of card I was hoping they would!", just like I did when they made Furious Assault.
Quote : Originally Posted by stubarnes
How about the opposite? What if you don't get it?
My face will probably look like this: :ermm:, kinda like it was when I noticed Omega Red wasn't in MTU (I was really expecting he would be based on how many people said they wanted him here. - Oh well, here's hoping he's in Marvel Legends).
And at some point before DC Legends I'd probably bump the thread.
That's about it.
Honestly ... I'm curious about what other possible reactions you thought I might have about either of these.