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wolverine (the other day my R wolverine iced a sentinel solo,so new found respects there)
How Mysterio beat prof X: Mysterio Holds Up a sign reading "Storm has No pants!" Prof X looks up at her then while distracted gets shot off the roof by umar..for the third time...Hey it happend!
defanatly?man thats spelled so wrong!gee im not tired really.Ive only been up 36 hours..
How Mysterio beat prof X: Mysterio Holds Up a sign reading "Storm has No pants!" Prof X looks up at her then while distracted gets shot off the roof by umar..for the third time...Hey it happend!
Blue team:
DTM: A Mother has 2 children. She gives one child some ice cream, and the other None. The child without any ice cream gets upset and starts to complain. The child with the ice cream starts calling him a baby and tells him to Shut Up!. Interesting
1- Cyclops (no-brainer leader)
2- Wolverine (The muscle)
3- Nightcrawler (can't touch what you can't catch)
4- Havok (just my favorite character)
5- Iceman (what a COOL power to have)
6- Rogue (abilty to absorb powers comes in handy)
1- The Beast (just for his GREAT banter and genius)
2- Professor X (How can you not take the ultimate mind plus Cerebro?)
Honorable Mention:
1- Jean Grey (she'd be in w/o Prof. X)
2- Forge (what can't he make?)
Nice call on re-vamping Excalibur. They are bringing back Captain Britain this spring so keep an eye out for that.
Morgh is someone I am not familiar with. Do you mean Morph? If not please explain, so I can be learned....
Couple of suprises on these lists, pleasant suprises, but suprises nonetheless. Wisdom, Dazzler, them all keep the teams coming folks.
You gotta have the basics. A leader, a long range shooter, a strong man, a telepath, 2 fliers (or teleporters), and whatever else you can throw in for flavor. My team is:
Cyclops (Leader and long range shooter for the price of 1!)
Juggernaut (Now that he's a good guy, why not? Strong man.)
Storm (Flight and weather control. Classic and strong.)
Longshot (Luck manipulation can ALWAYS come in handy. He's a good fighter, too.)
Sunfire (Fire powers mixed in with flight equal YES!)
Emma Frost (Telepathy and diamond skin make a good combo. Can't she do them both at once now?)
On support
Professor X (DUH! Great telepath and leader.)
My second supporter was a toughie. Forge is good, but I could probably find someone better. I'd do Phoenix, but I got the telepathy base covered. I have ranged combat covered, so no need for Dazzler, Firestar, or Magma. In the end, it was a no brainer.
Cannonball. (If it came to that, he could fly the Professor in over the field, surrounded by his invulnurability which would protect them both. The Prof would take out as many as he could, and Cannonball would set him down and take the rest.)
Try and beat THAT.
"I'm Mercury, dammit!"- Jay Garrick, regarding his hat.
1) Cyclops (IMO, the best field leader the X-Men could have and a great strategist)
2) Wolverine (Just kicks @$$ and doesn't bother taking names. Don't piss this guy off)
3) Jean Grey (With her Phoenix powers, who's going to best her?)
4) Colossus (They need a strong-man for the fast ball special)
5) Storm (Tons of power, same as Phoenix)
6) Either Beast or Gambit (Always able to help out in the end with some type of gadget or medical help from Beast or a well placed card from Gambit)
Professor X (Always great to have a team be able to communicate together throughout the battle and to have someone to coordinate their attacks)
Either Beast or Gambit (Whichever didn't make the team)
"You Homo Sapiens and your guns."
"I am vengence... I am the night... I am Batman!"
"It's still heavy." "But you're so big." Good Trader List
Yeah, Cyclops is a great field leader, but don't forget his brother. Alex has proven himself through different teams (and dimensions) that he is a capable leader as well.