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At the very least the VS system is going to be alive for two more sets. So for those of you that think this Friday's OP announcement is the end of the world, too bad. With these sets being more awesome - getting a bit ahead of myself here, but I'm excited just by the rosters in a way that Legions didn't make me - then previous sets, I can expect lots more people to join this game.
Number Two - Hellboy Coming Out Next Week
Those cards look amazing. I can't wait to open it up. You should go buy the animated films too. They're pretty cool.
Number Three - The New Card Smell
I actually carry VS cards on me everywhere I go, why? So I can sniff them. Whenever I feel sad and depressed I just take out my card and smell it and BAM! all my problems are gone. It might be me, but I've had some cards from the pre-release and they still have the new card smell, while the pack of HoG I bought the other day has already lost it's wonderful aroma. Instead of smoking, I'm just going to roll grass in crap rares and smoke it.
Number Four - Indy Confirmed
We're getting an announcement today. At the very least there's going to be another PC, which means there's going to be another round of PCQs building up to that PC. Have faith people. It's always darkest before dawn.
Number Five - MTU
I love MTU as a set. Not only does it offer lots nice Legacy toys, but I like how it seemingly embraces the tier two philosophy - that is there should be no tier one deck in a given environment but rather a flood of tier two decks. I think that's a reason MAV Golden was so popular and why Magic is so popular right now - people like having lots of choices of what they can or can't play. People like being able to play simple decks and win but also being able to play complicated decks and outplay others.
Beyond that, I am fairly certain that a comptetitive Sqs exists that runs mostly commons and uncommons with only a few rares like Lizard and Spider Hunt, which are too narrow to be worth much - ala Rocket Central. Draft for this set looks amazing too. Cards like Nova make me happy because they reward people for being smart.
Number Six - City Championships
Is anyone having wet dreams of the new 7 drop Spiderman? Cause if you are that's weird. Anyways, the whole idea is amazing. Getting your face on a card may be a meaningless gift to some people, but for some of us it is astounding. I desire greatly to Top 8 my City Championship so I can get myself on the face of Ursa Major - if he's ever to be made.
Beyond all that, the whole focus on casual events as a whole gives us reason to be excited! There's a chance you can stop by your local shop and play a pick-up game! Tell me that doesn't give you goose bumps.
Number Seven - Boobs
Greg Land. Mike Turner. Alex Maleev. So what if it's rehashed art work? That's not how I look at it. How many of you have seen a panel or a bubble in a comic book and though that would've made a great VS card? This hit me so hard when I was reading BMB's Daredevil run. Can you imagine what cards like "Cycle of Violence", "Identity Exposed" would be? How about a card depicting the Marvel Knights taking on 100 Yakuza? How about Daredevil's monologue of him being the new Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen?
That's hot.
No matter how you cut it, it's great art, and to be able to get it on a card is amazing. The fact that it can cut costs for corporate so they can do either cool stuff is just a nice bonus. I personally think the art for MTU is a lot better then previous sets.
Number Eight - The Online Card Game
MTGO may be all roses and wonderful now, but I suspect many of your weren't there for the dreaded 2.0 and Chuck's Virtual Party. Basically, VODO may not be perfect right now - no draft, no DC - but few things are, and we should be patient. By patient I mean that you shouldn't discard the game so early. Personally, I'm going to pick up my playsets early when they're cheap and will eagerly await for the release of MTU on their so I can start practicing for sealed PCQs. I'm not too interesting in having MOR become IPA.
Number Nine - RnD is getting smarter
In MOR, there was one uncommon team-up. In DOR, there was one common. In MSM there was two. In MMK there were four. As you guys know, teaming-up is pretty crucial to sealed play. This is the clearest example of me that UDE is getting better at making sets. Constructed and especially limited for the last Marvel sets have been funner and more balanced in general. I had so much fun at the MTU pre-release and I can't wait till I can start drafting it.
Number Ten - TDB
One day, a blonde named Sally was putting together a puzzle. She was really stumped and very frustrated, so she decided to ask her husband for help.
"It's supposed to be a tiger!" Sally cried.
"Honey," said her husband Dan clearly frustrated...
I agree with everything you said! Except number eight... But other than that there really are tons of things to optimistic about! Finally, they're gonna have Outsiders, it's about time! *Dances to the music*
Revenge Squad are going to dominate Silver. Mark my words. >.>
Anywho, yeah, there's a bunch to be excited about. World's Finest is going to be the first set I get a case of, as it refeatures the two teams that got me into the game in the first place: Team Superman and the Revenge Squad.
Also coming up are DC Legends and Marvel Legends, and here's to hoping that the Avengers and JLA are refeatured! It'd be a mighty sad Silver if we didn't have the biggest baddest heroes around, in my opinion.
This may be posted elsewhere, but I haven't seen it, so bear with me if it's a bit repetitive; What consoles is the the Vs video game going to be released on?
This may be posted elsewhere, but I haven't seen it, so bear with me if it's a bit repetitive; What consoles is the the Vs video game going to be released on?
PC, DS, PSP. Supposedly that's also the order of best format to worst.
Great Post, indeed. I'm so tired of reading the same bull#### negativitey over and over and over. That's why I've been sticking to Another Realm lately, it's all light hearted and fun. But even then, people have come in and pissed on our rainbow. I don't mean to channel Stu here, but it just seems like everyone is so ready to argue about something.
Erick started a well intentioned thread whose purpose was to incite a purposeful discussion and he got hammered from both ends.
Access is pissed about grammar and some identity nonsense that doesn't really matter.
Prosak's PCLA check thread turned into a shouting match.
I'm ready for a weekend of fun games, college basketball, booze, sleeping in and fried foods if only to mentally prepare myself for another tedious week of #####y threads. SO kudos to you, TDB, for ending the week on a high note.
There are lots of things to look forward to.. I mean c'mon its been more then a year since I've bought a box of any product and this set is gunna make me break bread as is hellboy... and I can't wait till the next pcq.. No really I cant hurry it up