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First, this is not meant to be a negative thread, I am just reporting what I know.
Second, I can confirm that we have been told to not schedule PCQs, which resulted in us removing PCQs from our March/April schedule. I am probably not supposed to share this but considering there should be an announcement today regarding VS OP and that we were supposed to have one this coming weekend and several locals have asked me, I feel it's only fair to inform our players of what I know.
Now, this doesn't actually mean that PCQs may be cancelled altogether. I don't know anything beyond what I have posted, but my conjecture is the following:
1. The PCQ program may be cancelled:
Considering the turnout and the PCQs the last year or so, this would be a no-brainer move by UDE. It doesn't warrant the amount of money they put into it if only 6-12 people are playing at every event.
2. The PCQ program may be reduced:
I hope this is the case and that UDE is re-evaluating when and where they should have these events. By reducing the number of PCQs, it will probably increase attendance.
3. The PCQ program may be replaced:
This may be what the City Championships may be for. By bringing VS to the more local level, it decreases costs and increases exposure. This may also mean adding higher level once-a-season events (like Regionals) to replace the PCQs.
Again... all of the above 3 options are theories on my part. I have no confirmation from UDE whatsoever in regards to whether or not one or more of them may be the case.
What does this mean for VS? I understand the negative connotation but don't think it really affects VS that much at this point because there have been many comments of how ineffective the PCQs are. The obvious proof was produced by turnout.
This does NOT necessarily mean VS is in trouble. I think this points towards positive steps in OP to increase the viability of VS in the long run.
We will all know once UDE makes their announcement and let's hope for the best.
My question is: "If they do cancel PCQs, how will we get our PC points?" I'm good for Indy (can't make Sydney - too far, too expensive), but how will I Q-up for PC Vegas? (OK, we don't know that it's going to be Vegas... but I'm going to be optimistic and say it'll be Vegas).
PS - To you smart asses out there that say, "Just do good at Indy and get your points there..." I'm too scrub-ilicious to Q-up at a PC. :p
I get my PC points almost soley on the one point you get for making top eight. I'm up to nine PC points again. Are you saying I might actually have to win my games to get my last PC point?
I don't think they would allow for qualifying through the PC through store championships. It'd be a nice idea, but I fear the potential abuse in there.
That's the problem. Be not afraid. For sure, we will hear the real structure pretty soon. All the conjecture in the world is not going to change their decision at this point. If they ask for our opinions in the announcement, then we can play badminton until the cows come home. For now, it's only going to rile us all up if we start slinging opinions about options.
That's the problem. Be not afraid. For sure, we will hear the real structure pretty soon. All the conjecture in the world is not going to change their decision at this point. If they ask for our opinions in the announcement, then we can play badminton until the cows come home. For now, it's only going to rile us all up if we start slinging opinions about options.
That's true I guess. The way Erick phrased it we might still be getting PCQs correct?
Now vote on the best pic. You can only choose one.
1. Strange Love
2. Thanos Squeezing
3. Big Boy Thanos
4. Little Thanos
5. Shuma
6. Mysterio cracked
7. Mysterio twinned
8. Linda Blair
9. Frank Drake
10. Mephisto Guzzling
11. Your Face on a Card
If they schedule less PCQs to increase attendance, then they should do with PC Points what WoW does with invites and roll them down to the highest finisher without an invite.
I remember a post by Tim Batow recently wherein he stated that he has won or split every PCQ he's played in. He already has his 50 PC points (according to UDE's rating site) so he cannot gain anymore by winning. I think that the PC Points he gets for winning said PCQs should be passed down to the highest non-qualified finisher. Not doing this in addition to reducing the number of PCQs would most likely drastically reduce attendance at future PCs (because not everyone has a stock pile of 50)
This is all assuming they don't institute an alternate method of getting PC Points.