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Hmmm, I'm assuming CHDB means outside of limited, in which case I'd keep his list except perhaps extract sable for Big leagues. it's not as powerful, but also not quite as restricted.
The new Spider Man 4 drop is probably one of the best cards in the set, and Aunt May has as much abuse potential as Frankie Ray in Golden Age (but just only a really good card in Silver). However, I havent really looked at the set much as I have been prepping for Sydney with most of my VS time.
Heh, I think you know which one I am talking about, even though the others make fine backup drops or decent sub ins after you use Sensational's ability.
1.) Ego Gem
2.) Samantha Parrington <> Valkyrie
3.) Netherworld Gift
4.) Against All Odds
5.) Blackheart
6.) Silver Sable
7.) Empire State University
8.) Carnage (4)
9.) The B-Team
10.) Death's Embrace
what about the new anti-faces, secret defenders? that is a niice teamup. if you extended your list to top 15, would deadpool make it? he seems like another one who is up there.