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Would it be or not be a good idea for 2008 for the fans and players to choose 2 of the sets that would be made. A 6 month poll would be able to decide what sets to be made. I am not talking about certian cards but instead the entire set such as AOA or Civil War and then also choose 2 for DC (Not to familiar with what happens in DC). This would get both the fan favorite set out and player favorite set out. It would give ude a good idea of what everyone wants and maybe eliminate some of the bad teams that no one knows about. So what does everyone think???
Billy said that one-third of the character selection is already picked from fansite feedback. Having an official poll would risk alienating the people who lose the vote.
Billy said that one-third of the character selection is already picked from fansite feedback.
*Heart Flutters*
<--- crosses fingers
Doom Patrol
Doom Patrol
Doom Patrol
EDIT:Side-note - Even though I was recently involved in a debate with him that got kinda heated (he's foilball, right?), I really do like TBZ. Also, it turns out that we was kinda right on at least one point.
I'm going to have to say that it sounds good to me. So long as it is something that heavily features the big name characters, and just doesn't forget that there are small name characters.
That we can agree is bad for the game, right?
So for Marvel, AoA is fun sounding, even though I hated almost all of that story arc. And DC could do something with Infinite Cris...Wait...maybe the could do one about Crisis on infini...still not looking good...ok, I'm at a loss for DC. :)
Hell, I'll just vote for seeing Doom Patrol get included in some way.
MTU already showed them dropping the "we make room for every non-mini-team to have legacy" premise, no? If the issue is space-related, why not take care of Avengers and Kang Council legacy in one?
I started a thread further down the page about the New Warriors, and how they show that teams don't need their own team affiliation to be included in this game.
I'm hoping we see more of that kind of thinking in the future though.
Namorita and Rage are both missed. I'd love to see Omega Red. He could be unaffiliated or a Crime Lords character ( which would make the most sense with the rest of the Hand being in the Crime Lords department)
If Xforce was all dual affiliated to being X-men and X-force, as well as Excaliber and and X-Factor all being Dual affiliated in to X-men as well, I think the game could be more multi set draftable or sealed played. There would be more reason for people to buy more of each set, since there would be more content for each player in each set.
Magic has the correct rotation schedule: 1 big set plus 2 smaller ones that all tie together.
VS could easily do that. Even cross companied like they are, they can treat each set as an independant entity and produce for the individual Marvel TCG and DC TCGs separately and never have a problem with it.
I started a thread further down the page about the New Warriors, and how they show that teams don't need their own team affiliation to be included in this game.
In all honesty, while I agree that including teams without giving them their own devoted team is viable, (I have a whole thread of possibles with a giant list : Linky), the implication you seem to be making is that we shouldn't add new team-affiliations EXCEPT through dual-affiliation, which isn't something I agree with.
EDIT: This is now an argument I go into more detail on on the thread you brought up.