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3883 Piedmont Ave
Oakland, CA 94611
(It’s a decent ten minute walk from the McArthur BART station. I will be willing to chauffeur you from there and back if you let me know ahead of time.)
Tumbly!: Food is nearby and easily accessible, but because we're in Piedmont - which is pretty much Berkeley - there are lots of mom and pop stores. The nearest fast food restaurant is a ten minute walk away.
When: March 11th 2007 – which falls on a Sunday at 1 PM.
As Miguel pointed out it's daylight savings, so technically you need to be here when it feels like twelve.
Entry Fee: $10.00
What: City Championships' Silver Age Constructed
• Following the standard ban list which can be found here.
• This tournament will allow for five proxies. You are responsible for finding a means to give your opponent a copy or facsimile of the card itself if your
opponent does not know what the card does. Basically, be ready to prove that your card does what it does if it comes up.
• Players using proxies must let the administration know before hand - we don't want people magically swapping proxies mid rounds - I will be asking for your proxies when we collect the money.
• Similar to last time we are going to do a top x breakdown.
• Marvel Team-Up and Hellboy are legal. Mise well practice for the upcoming City Championships. Personally, QuickFate seems kinda imba unless you can play A Quality Zinco Product.
The Loot:
Prize schedule to be determined by attendance. Ideally though:
1st place: A box of MTU
2nd place: Twelve packs of MTU OR an Infinite Crisis playmat
3rd and 4th place: 4 packs and a playset of either: EA Nasty Surprise, Acrobatic Dodge, Cover Fire, and Avenger’s Assemble.
We had an incredible success last time and I hope it's even better this time.. Remember, prizes scale upward so feel free to bring more people!
Similarly, everyone else is going to get some number of EAs from the Heralds of Galactus set - Dr. Minerva, Richard's Rival, Skyrider etc. There will be drawings for a JLA deck box and some T-Shirts.
Beyond That
People that don't play with proxies are entitled to free pizza - There were lots of hungry people and I figure the best way to reward them with a free lunch.
There will be prizes given out exclusively to players who play well but are low in the standings. I have a JLA deckbox saved up exclusively for this purpose, but expect more to come out as we get closer to the date.
The uber give-away this time is: The Hellboy Essential Collection
Have fun! I can't wait to see what kind of crazy tech you guys comes up with!
Sounds good, I dont think ima bring anything special this time. probably a casual deck see how far i get with it, since everytime i bring a deck that i think will do well end up getting trashed.
You ought to ask the shop if they would consider getting you a slightly better price for the event. Eudemonia offers drafts at 10.00 per head, and 7-4-2-2 for additional prizes. This is for an 8 person pod. I know this operates at a loss, but it gives an idea of what the event could in theory be priced around.
You ought to ask the shop if they would consider getting you a slightly better price for the event. Eudemonia offers drafts at 10.00 per head, and 7-4-2-2 for additional prizes. This is for an 8 person pod. I know this operates at a loss, but it gives an idea of what the event could in theory be priced around.
7-4-2-2 on top of 3 packs per player?
That's 39 packs for $80!! I don't know many stores that can do this consistently, especially with the new set.