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Okay, I had the coolest thing happen to me yesterday. I taught one of my cousins how to play Vs. System... right after I discovered a stash of my old comic books in a closet in my Aunt's house from way back when I used to spend the summers there. And I found a prize of great magnitude.
Like everything else in my life, it was rife with synchronicity. It was a copy of Infinity Gauntlet #1. Hand signed by George Perez, in my presence. Just in time for the City Championships to make the Gauntlet playable, and for me to tech against it.
And I want to give the book to you.
Here's the deal. You tell me What Cool Things have happened to you during the first three years of Vs. System. Could be teaching someone the game and them saying "I'm gonna make a deck to get my Superman so big you won't be able to stun him!" as soon as you were done. Could be a great victory on the Pro Circuit or a bad beat on the kitchen table. Could be the day they confirmed Thanos. Or Howard, for that matter.
Tell me something good. You have one whole month. On May 4, I will choose the winner and send you an autographed copy of Infinity Gauntlet #1.
Oh man. This is beyond incredible. Not only do I love Infinity Gauntlet stories, but I love George Perez. You're a god among men, Stu.
I'm going to think hard about my favorite moment with this game. It's easy to find tons of great moments, but I want to make sure I tell you about the best.
I figured that would be a problem. This game tends to cause hundreds of great memories.
There is a three-favorite limit. Each person can tell us up to three good times. As soon as a person posts the fourth entry, all others are disqualified along with it. Stu's head can only hold so much.
Just as personal highs (In no particular order)
#1 - Getting a box of Justice League, having the wife and kids each rip open some packs, and then we made 4 decks (1 for each of the major teams) and the 3 oldest kids and I each took a team and played a match to break them in. Caleb, my second oldest won with the JLI by General Glory-ing my nastiest Secret Society member, and then pulling out the win with Captain Marvel. That feeling of discovery by the whole family at once when we get a card we hadn't owned yet is what I love most about VS.
#2 - Playing against my best friend from high school's Gotham Knights deck, with every team that was available at the time, knowing I had to leave for work at 630am, and yet still playing till 430am, just brought back those crazy weekend gaming sessions from high school.
#3 - Teaching my only daughter, Morgan, to play. She was 5 at the time, and the least Gamer-ish of my kids. She tried the Green Lanterns, because they had the most animal looking characters, and won. To see her light up with a silly grin because her Squirrel had just Rained Acorns all over her Daddy is one of those cool Father-Daughter moments that VS has given me.
Only 3? Rats! I could go on forever! (Much to the chagrin and nausea of my fellow Realmsers I am sure :) )
#3 - Teaching my only daughter, Morgan, to play. She was 5 at the time, and the least Gamer-ish of my kids. She tried the Green Lanterns, because they had the most animal looking characters, and won. To see her light up with a silly grin because her Squirrel had just Rained Acorns all over her Daddy is one of those cool Father-Daughter moments that VS has given me.
Maybe not the best, but a fun place to put my memories.
1. Having tried to make a Skrull deck work before Heralds of Galactus (although I failed), my gretest moment is when I got my 60th Skrull Soldier and realized that I could now make a deck out of only Skrull Soldiers (even though a bunch of 2-drops probably isn't the best deck, I can make it.
2. For a little while, I used a Kang deck that worked fairly well, with Eath Mezozoic 10/10 4-drop Kang dealing some beats with Force Field Belts. My cousin's friend wanted to play, and liked the Arkham team, so when I saw an Arkham deck on sale at my local game store, I had to get it for him. As he plays with the deck, and I realize he has Hugo Strange, I just realize that I am completely and utterly screwed and that he now has a deck that works best against a deck like mine.
3. I love playing Vs., but I am really in the game because I am a Marvel Comics fan, so I try and collect the entirety of each set, even though I have limited funds, being still in high school and without a job. When I finally had completed my X-Men set, with an EomE and both Emma Frosts, I was incredibly happy, as X-Men was the first set I really had looked forward to. I had joined Vs. after the Spider-Man set, and had been not too excited throughout the Marvel Knights, Green Lantern, Avengers and JLA sets, but being an X-Men fan, I was thrilled that I had finally completed a set, and one that I really wanted to complete.
I have a few zany stories... but I'll go with my personal favorite:
After teaching my sister how to play, and learning she REALLY has an irrational hatred of Hawkman/Hawkwoman/All Hawk People, I Put her together a Deck with Batman. At this point in time, All the cards I owned were a Pair of Batman Starters, and booster boxes of coxes of Crisis... so we were totally playing with piles of crap. I think I was playing Shadowpact, and not a good one at that. and She was playing Gotham Knights with Fate Artifacts.
I remember I had about as good of a draw as one could have with the crap I was playing, while her draw was subpar... On Turn 5, she Fated up Five Drop Batman and made the bold claim 'I AM BATFATE,' which was probably funnier than it should be. It was my initiative and I missed my five, and Batfate managed to brickwall my team attack... I'm not sure how anymore.
Next turn... Batman swung down into one of my smaller guys, Fate has spoken followed by the yelling of 'BATFATE HAS SPOKEN!' and then Batman swinging into my Five... Yeah... Shadowpact hates Five Drop Batman.
Sidenote: When anybody gets an artifact... We find out the best name for them. Fate-Ahmed, Power-Fate, Fate-Ivy, Fate-Monkey... whathave you.
#3 - Teaching my only daughter, Morgan, to play. She was 5 at the time, and the least Gamer-ish of my kids. She tried the Green Lanterns, because they had the most animal looking characters, and won. To see her light up with a silly grin because her Squirrel had just Rained Acorns all over her Daddy is one of those cool Father-Daughter moments that VS has given me.
Um, yeah, I got nothing to compete with that. :nervous:
And that's not even counting taking my 10 year old son to the City Championships last Monday, his first exposure to Organized Play (my second), and one really great guy teaching him a cool combo for his Doom deck, and then giving him a Nega Bomb to use in it. :) Vs Rules!
Coolest vs. Story ever, so it's last saturday in dayton ohio at the city championship. Bell Book and Comic was the backdrop for the best idea I've heard... So it was time for the cut to top four, and ofcourse the favorite to win it all was Loren Nolan... So some people start joking about the prospect of Loren having his face on a card. Then the most beautiful idea of all was given to the world... Imagine it, Loren Nolan as the next card board incarnation of eveyone's favorite mullet man... LONGSHOT!
It's was a pretty fun day but that stands out to me as one of the most memerable moments of my vs career.
For me, it's gotta be the first christmas after we discovered Vs, me and my brothers all made a deal to buy each other a box of whatever we wanted, Big Eclipse wanted DGL, Tiny Eclipse wanted MMK I think and I DJL, no to put into perspective, together we only had about 1 1/2 boxes total cards at this point so it was a big leap forward for us three, and DLJ being new and not my DOR that I had so religously bought previously I was excited and worried at the same time, I had no idea what was coming out of these packs. Now on christmas day as we ripped open present after present just to appease our parents until we could run away and open our boxes. Opening each of those boxes on a table with your brothers is a great feeling, and what's even better is the look on your brothers faces when you go. "Holy ****. A 10 drop!" Best, Christmas, Ever.
Edit - I don't actualy want the comic, but I thought I would share my story with you anyway :)