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Draft is two sets this time. Looks like they are reverting back to the old format.
Pro Circuit #12 Pro Circuit Indianapolis 2007 August 16-19, 2007 Indianapolis, IN, USA Gen Con Indy Modern Age (MHG, DLS, MTU, DWF, EHB) Draft One: Marvel Team-Up; Draft Two and Three: World’s Finest
I like the day of rest. Heh. If the 10K is on Saturday it should be the biggest 10K of all time. And you could have people dropping from the Top 8... To play the OTHER Top 8.
wow, well, it should be interesting to see how things shake down. I had heard it was Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, which would have allowed players to play in the WoW Nationals on Friday if they so chose. Now, if you make Day 2 of the PC, you have to decide if its even worth trying your hand at Nationals on Friday instead of competing in Day 2 of the PC...
I prefer this setup... making it such that if you day 2 you can still play in the 10K makes the most sense, they want the 10Ks attendance to improve.
I doubt with the WOW prize structure anyone qed for day 2 is actually going to drop for WOW unless they don't trust their drafting skills with the new set.
"The festivities will begin on August 15th (Wednesday) with the Last Chance Pro Circuit Qualifiers. These events will give players a chance to earn an invitation to play on the Pro Circuit later that weekend. Other events will include a Savage Beatdown Warm-Up tournament, a Bring Your Own Set $10,000 Championship (Uses current banned list), and Marvel Legends tournaments"
Looks like LCQ's will be Wednesday. Also, there will be Marvel Legends tournaments. Nice.