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Assuming that the "Legendary" Ghost Rider in Marvel Legends is Johnny Blaze ...
Will the name-stamp be Ghost Rider or Johnny Blaze <> Ghost Rider?
This is actually a somewhat relevant distinction because the same character has had cards printed under BOTH of those names ... not all of which will now be playable at the "legendary" level.
The only way I could see them getting around that, would be to identity-stamp it to Ghost Rider (assuming they don't mind other possible future non-Johnny Ghost Riders they print getting access to his legendary card-pool ... not to mention an Unaligned 5-Drop and the JSA).
That's really odd... I don't know. I'd guess the new shift suggests they might go with identity, which would be good because it's not likely it'd break the JSA in half to give them some Marvel tech. That way, it's possible to pull a deck with a line-up like the end of the Ghost Rider movie, with a few Mystical Motorcyclists rollin' up on your face.