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Insanity has started to become one of my favorite casual builds of late.
But, I can't help but wonder.
With Marvel Legends comming at us at warp 9 speed.
How, and/or will Marvel Legends have insanity cards.
Or has it been confirmed that insanity is a DCU only keyword?
Now, a fellow Vs player and myself had a disscusion about this just the other day.
His convition, is that insanity will be DC only.
Simply because of Arkahms gate stenciled in on the frames of the insanity cards.
Question, Has it, or has it not been confirmed by any reputable UDE source, that the gate in the background is indeed Arkahms.
Or, is it just supposed to be some random gothic style nuthouse gate.
Meant to indicate, and exemplify the insanity keyword, if it be Marvel or DC?
Because, I just don't see insanity being DCU specfic, I just don't.
You're right big D it ain't no word, am it?
Heh heh, I just edited that out a sec before I saw your response.
Let this be a lesson learned unto me, always preview your post before submission.
It would make sense for it to be both Marvel and DC, in my opinion.
Seriously though, you're right my friend, insanity should'nt be confined to the DC sets only.
Then again, neither should vengeance, or willpwer ( save for ol' Doc Spectrum of course).
I don't think we are going to see the Arkham Gates on any new cards because of the new frames. I hope at least some Marvel characters get the Insanity keyword but it does fit very well with the Arkham inmates.
I personally want a Deadpool with Insanity because Insanity fits Deadpool equally as well as the Arkham Inmates!
Hopefully they do insanity somewhat like the legacy cards and print one in every set (or every few sets). But having said that if the insanity build gets too strong or consistant they will need to stop reprinting them so it stays as more of a casual build (or one that only an "insane" player would play in a tournament).
I dont think there are too many cards you could tag Insanity to and a reason to tag them to.
UDE creates both expansions of the Versus System, but they are just that, expansions of the Versus System.
You still need to have a reason to make a specific card mechanic exist within the Marvel expansion itself and target a team concept. It works for Arkham because it is a part of their flavor. It may even work for independent characters in the Marvel expansion...Maximus the Mad comes to mind, but a whole team?
There isn't one team you could apply the Insanity Mechanic to within the Marvel U. Not that i can think of.
I seriously doubt they will just because there aren't a lot of truly mad insane guys in the Marvel Universe. Also, the cards that are Insanity stamped are very powerful introducing too many of them could begin to unbalance the deck.
I would think if they have insanity cards not be useless in new sets they would either need to:
a. have more then enough in the one set to support the theme as a standalone Insane deck, or
b. have a few choice cards, templated like 'Burn Baby Burn' or 'Ultimate Clayface'.
Insanity doesn't seem anywhere near as rampant in the Marvel Universe
heroes or villans. Who are the 'mad' Marvel characters?
I mean certainly there are some villans and heroes who have lost it, but there don't seem to be as many characters 'defined' and 'glorified' by their insanity like in the DC universe. Exception for Carnage. He even had his own book printed about his time in an institution. You could do a 'Maximum Carnage' version or sub team and lot of the villians from that storyline as an 'insane team'.
Here's my list of 'defined by their insanity', Marvel guys:
Jamie Maddrox
Maximus - ( I mean he is 'Maximus the mad')
Clone Thor!
Here's the borderline cases:
Madelyne Pryor - (Maybe she's just evil but I recall her being pretty crazy.)
Sentry - (Split personality disorder)
Morph - ( I don't think he's insane as much as he's just wacky)
Punisher - (the whole PTS version)
Speedball -( guess that's what he's supposed to be now)
Loki - (Personally I would call him mischevious)
I mean there are some others like Bullseye (more of a socio-path by choice), and Paste Pot Pete (just a depressed dude), but I would hesitate to call them insane as that implies they are not in control, when they are normally written as characters who choose to flaunt the law.
I don't think we are going to see the Arkham Gates on any new cards because of the new frames. I hope at least some Marvel characters get the Insanity keyword but it does fit very well with the Arkham inmates.
I personally want a Deadpool with Insanity because Insanity fits Deadpool equally as well as the Arkham Inmates!
Hopefully they do insanity somewhat like the legacy cards and print one in every set (or every few sets). But having said that if the insanity build gets too strong or consistant they will need to stop reprinting them so it stays as more of a casual build (or one that only an "insane" player would play in a tournament). make a very good arguement.
Insanity could possibly be indicated by a new symbol on the cards.
Much like the new sun and moon symbols being used to indiacte concealed
and/or concealed-optional.
And, trust me my friend, just because Arkahm had the monopoly on insanity characters and cards, dosen't mean it'll stay with them only.
I mean, I was stunned, not to see any more insanity revenge squad PT's and characters than we did.
I think another theme going on with insanity, one UDE has cleverly put together.
One I think most VS fans might be overlooking, is that the longer insanity goes on.
The longer it continues to build, and fester slowly, unwatched, untreated, underestimated.;)
The worse, and more violent, and uncotrollable it becomes.
Which means very,very bad news for your opponents.
This leads me to belive, that UDE has a secret (Mad) agenda.
To help make insane decks quite a force to be reconed with, either playing at the coffetable, or the tourney table!
I dont think there are too many cards you could tag Insanity to and a reason to tag them to.
UDE creates both expansions of the Versus System, but they are just that, expansions of the Versus System.
You still need to have a reason to make a specific card mechanic exist within the Marvel expansion itself and target a team concept. It works for Arkham because it is a part of their flavor. It may even work for independent characters in the Marvel expansion...Maximus the Mad comes to mind, but a whole team?
There isn't one team you could apply the Insanity Mechanic to within the Marvel U. Not that i can think of.
Not one you say?
What about Sinister Syndicate, what about them.
Carnage (Nuff said')
Green Goblin (take your pick, you could milk several insanity versions each of Norman and Harry both).
Doc Ock (at least a couple extra crispy kooky versions to milk here)
Scorpion (a couple insanity versions here)
Hobgoblin ( several versions of either Rod or Jason respectivly, can come from this)
The list just goes, on and on.
And let's not forget the possibility for hundreds of insanity PT's and locations that can come out of this as well.
Also, don't forget, madness knows no limit to influnence.
It could strike anyone, anytime, anywhwere.
It's hold on characters, situations, and places, would be completly random.
Which, is I think anyway, another hidden theme of inasanity's.
It will become far more random, chaotic having no boundry to any specific teams or themes.
In short neil, if the individual charcters flavor is madness, you don't need to have entire teams at a time with insanity.
A charcter, PT, or location with insanity from here, a few from there ect.
It's a bit inconsistsant, but, that is what insanity is all about.