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I didn't see PA make too much of an impact in World's. I'm sure it had a bearing on some games, but the tournament itself wasn't a PA-fest.
When you say OM, I assume you mean Omnipotence. It probably had a bigger impact than PA but many cards that should of been named with it were played by both decks and therefore, made the card not worth playing. Both PA and Omni were played, but they did not define every game.
The card that stood out for me was Death of the Dream. The ability to replace two face-up resources was huge in this format. Most every top deck had something that could be targeted by DotD.
4 of the Top 8 decks had one or both of them, which gives you a general feel for how often they showed up. Dietseto is right - they both definitely had their moments in the sun, but they weren't all over the place.
blizzard was played a lot it's extremly good the ability to lock up a card for a turn with some of the activated abililtys out there. I ran FF and losing mr. fantastic sucks