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No, infinite as in infinite. Energize readies the character whenever they defend. Armed Escort is "Activate -> Remove all defenders you control from this attack, target character you control becomes a defender."
It's simple to fix though. You just make Armed Escort once per turn.
So you are playing X-Statix and Crime Lords depending on a 3 drop, a piece of equipment, and an ongoing plot twist, in Golden Age? And the combo only works once per turn? And it only deals two damage? I guess you guys broke Golden age.
So you are playing X-Statix and Crime Lords depending on a 3 drop, a piece of equipment, and an ongoing plot twist, in Golden Age? And the combo only works once per turn? And it only deals two damage? I guess you guys broke Golden age.
Reading comprehension would do you well. 2 characters and a piece of equipment is all the combo takes.
I really don't think it matters. None of the big time Mega-Weekend, Marquee, World Championship, etc, etc events are Golden, sadly. Which means this combo is only in the land of fairy tales and 8-drops.
Because people clearly only play in sanctioned events, so there's no point issuing errata for any other purpose.
And besides-- if any one team gets 2 to 3 Energize 2- and 1-drops, this can be played in BYOTT, which IS a sanctioned format. Not correcting it would mean there would always be the threat of this combo or another one like it coming back in a random partly-GA format.
R&D hasn't just "ignored" a problem with degenerate combos yet, why would they start now? Who was playing Talia: LexCorp CEO? What format was she in? Still got fixed.