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Hi all, first of I would like to say what great work that has been done to everyone involved in the restoration of VS realms and the running of this great site. I have only been here a short time but am really enjoying all the advice and peoples points of view on this collective of Vs fans.
Now I know a lot of work has been done to resore the site after the gremlings have been at it but does anyone know whey the pm will be avalible again? I only say this as I have sevral trades going on and prefer to do my trading via this great service that has been provided for us all, any help or notifacations will be greatly appreciated!
In the past few days I have that "New PM Alert" Icon which I assume is an iTrader Feedback message. I have had two iTrader ratings in the time since the crash but only one unread message so I assume they are working on it and getting the PMs back.