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So the MEV my local organizer ordered reached us already, and we're gonna have a MEV Release Party by drafting MEV (This event overwrites Build-A-Legend, which is postponed to another date).
As a new drafter, I'm wondering what kind of tips and tricks you guys can give to me and other new drafters. Like what to do after you open your first pack, how to assemble a deck, what are your preferences when drafting and so on and so forth.
For my event, we get to draft from 5 packs, and we get to keep all the cards drafted (no rares pooled).
In this set there are very few generics, if you see a good generic pump take it, unless it is really good most hard team stamped cards will come around again, generics not so much. Pay attention to the wording, some team stamped cards can be used generically as well, read the cards... even if people are making sounds about piles backing up, read them anyways! If you can, try to build around your first picks, but don't be afraid to change if you have to!
the 4-drop that mills 2 whenever a plot is played depleted my deck at the start of the combat phase on 5.
That would be nico minoru, and yes, she is pretty nuts. I would also suggest picking up any 5 drop Rogue that comes your way. She's nuts in limited, and a good hate draft if you don't end up using her. Also, if you guys aren't pooling for rares at the end, I would just say to take each rare you need for yourself, no matter what.
Drafting on-curve is much more important than drafting on team.
This is also a very good character skeleton for curve, although it is a little character heavy;
1 1 drop
4 2 drops, 3 drops, 4 drops, 5 drops
3 6 drops
2 7 drops
1 8 drop, if you can find it.