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Kissimmee, FL MEV Release Celebration Sunday December 14 - Playmat, Shirt, and more!
Time again for another Marquee Tournament for the Coliseum Of Comics in Kissimmee, FL! This time it's the MEV Release Celebration. I know that PM's here on the Realms are still down, but I ask that anyone who intends on coming to this event, please PLEASE respond to this thread or e-mail me at [email protected]. I would like to know by December 10th, that way I can let Ted at the store know how many boxes he will need to have in stock. Anyway, details are as follows:
Sunday December 14th, 2008
Sign Ups Start at 12:00 PM, Tournament Begins at 1:00 PM
Cost: $25
Format: Marvel Evolution Sealed Deck
Each player is given five packs of Marvel Evolution and must build a deck using only cards from those packs (30 card minimum).
1st Place: 4 Copies of the MEQ-003 Punisher Promo Card, 1 Copy of the MEQ-006 Black Panther Promo Card and 1 Marvel Ultimates Playmat
2nd Place: 4 Copies of the MEQ-002 The Workshop Promo Card, 1 Copy of the MEQ-006 Black Panther Promo Card and 1 Marvel Evolution T-Shirt
3rd-4th Place: 4 Copies of the MEQ-002 The Workshop Promo Card and 1 Copy of the MEQ-006 Black Panther Promo Card
5th-8th Place: 3 Copies of the MEQ-005 Billy Club Promo Card
Participation: 1 Booster Pack and at least 1 Copy each of the MEQ-001 The Ten Rings and MEQ-004 Cloak Of Levitation Promo Cards
Additional Promo Cards will be given out depending on the number of players.
Also, don't forget to show up to regular Hobby League each and every Sunday for even more Promo Cards and prizes!