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Dudenriquez here, loyal TRHC listener. With the Realms still down but the forums up, that shouldn't stop us from still sounding off on podcasts and orginal radio broadcasting brought to you by the realms. If this is already up somewhere I don't know, then we can let this post fade into obscurity as I wallow in shame lol.
So back to the civil part of the post:
I love the fact that Lex was revisited, along with Prof X in the Battle of Wills. Some of those DC Legends have faded along with the DC absence, which is a damn shame. Research and Development FTW man! Get those Exiles!
I am really digging the X-Factor field and think they can find a solid place in a control build. Cracking and X-Factor Investigations are both really cool flavorful control cards...Tell me if this works someone:
Turn 4
Drop Jean Grey 4 drop Engergize
Flip X-Factor Investigations and resolve
Activate Jean Grey to Replace X-Factor Investigation
Flip 2nd or more X-Factor Investigation(s) to gain a larger spread of choices for the negate activate
This may not work with the specific text of the X-Factor Investigation card, but it is worth finding out a real answer.
I think the addition of Optic Blast for Cyclops really rounded him out. I remember Cliff and Squire mentioning that if the set added a way to convey the different ways Cyclops uses his beams to deal with his enemies, that the legend would be more flavorful. To me, Concusive Force is the widespread control use of Cyclops' beam and Optic Blast focuses the beam on one person. So bank.
How good does 3 drop Green Arrow now become with Optic Blast and Rapid Strike floating around? Synergy sweetness.
While I believe the Exiles deck to be tempermental and midly dependent, I still want to build a team up swarm deck with them somehow. However, guess what card now becomes better with the advent of the Exiles? Common Bond. Yes, using Common Bond for 3 drops seems like the perfect timing for it, and with Shadowcat, Cat shifting in lots of 3 drop goodnes, there is pleantly of love for Common Bond to show.
You guys are awesome. I was really ill yesterday, and I pulled myself out of a mini-coma to get the show uploaded. Thank you all for taking the initiative. Also congrats to oour contest winner :)
Great show guys, thanks for all the nice things you said and the prizes sound fantastic! I cant wait to get my box! Just like an early Christmas!:grin:
Thank you to everyone who voted for me!
FYI TRHC listeners: In both of the limited events I have participated in with MEV, I found that using X-Force and their attack pumps was the most effective way to gain advantage. Use if if u can get it!
Joe I'm sorry about the other night. The end product was just TOO terrible to add on. I mean it was the worst echo + future speak + God knows what the Audio Gremlins have ever assaulted me with.