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Usually I would wait for a blog post to groove on this, but it is just too much fun to wait.
I went to and bought a box of Marvel Knights and a box of Marvel Team-Up with free shipping for 26 bucks total.
I took the Marvel Knights, Nina took the Marvel Team-Up. We played Sealed.
She built a Spider-Friends/Marvel Defenders/Underworld deck. I made Marvel Knights/X-Statix/Underworld.
We are having the time of our lives with these cards.
Right now it is 2 games each. I have been rocking the Black Magic with my rare curve of Bullseye 4, Daredevil 5 (two copies, one foil), followed by a foily Disco Shirt Luke Cage 6.
She destroyed me in the first game with Maddie Pryor/Midnight Massacre. It was a beautiful thing.
Try it yourself, this game is very much alive in our house.
(And now she wants to build an Underworld constructed deck. Any suggestions?)
I have so many wholes in my collection...MTU, both Legends, LSH(cheap) one of the shops they have packs of Green Lantern...I buy 4 or 5 packs every time we play there.
In our small group we have NEVER done BYOT, Random Punks, Clones, Legends...
WE WILL BE PLAYING FOR YEARS even if production stops
MY was EvilDave, not BigSpooky!
So then with all of our control I wanted a more beatdown-centric deck to see if it could stand up. This created the (I think more powerful) aggro mono-Underworld
"Dead Man's Party" (who could ask for more?)
4 Black Rose
3 Mindless Ones
4 MeatMarket
3 Blackheart
2 Ny' assa
4 Satanus
4 Madelyn Prior
1 Dormendus
4 Dark Dimension
4 Death's Embrace
3 Mobilize
4 Big Leagues
3 Dark Bargain
4 Midnight Massacre
4 Flying Kicks
3 Against All Odds
4 B.R.P.D. Device
2 Sutur's Anvil
Comments: The idea here is to abuse Underworld's oversized chracter theme. Tons of search, because search doubles as pump for the deck. It also lets the deck run safely and smoothly at 25 characters (I on rare occasions miss 2, nothing else). Meat is usually a 7/6 (I pull him up to 3 cards), and you drop either an 8/5 or 9/7 turn 4 (Midnight Massacre out the 9/7 if you can, otherwise just tap the 2). Satanus is always fully-sized, and Madelyne is there to KO the board if the game somehow goes past 7 (where I have my "token random 7-drop). Your characters are huge; and you have recovery effects; this makes you effective against both control and attack decks. B.R.P.D.s are to force Spiderfriends to use up their Level 12s; even then, they don't have enough tapdown effects (and almost none play attack pumps... 1 against all odds should always bounce them).