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My Opinions
- I believe Energize is too powerful.
- They need a generic card to attack Shift Counters on Shifted Characters. (Something like: "Play only during the combat phase. Target player removes 2 or 3 shift counters from shifted characters that he shifted this game.")
It just bugs me right now that Curve has almost 0 chance against Stall and/or Bomb. (As I mentionned in a previous thread. Bomb is when a player explodes with everything he has on a single turn. This is popular style of play amongst the Exile.)
Curvier? Swarmier? - I'm all for curvier, if you know what I mean ;)
Faster? Slower? - Not necessarily faster, but definitely not slower
Smashier? Controllier? - Maybe a little smashier, definitely not controllier
Simpler? More comborific? - Simpler. But with bait for people who like to play combos that rarely work.
More mono? More splashy? - More mono, less splash
- They need a generic card to attack Shift Counters on Shifted Characters. (Something like: "Play only during the combat phase. Target player removes 2 or 3 shift counters from shifted characters that he shifted this game.")
I disagree. I wouldn't mind seeing cards that hamper shift, but if you allow shift to be messed with in any way, shape or form, shift will become worthless.
Plus, a card like this is just a bad card. It's going to be dead in your hand more often than not.
Shift sould never be targeted. But you can make cards like empire's End that penalize you for brining characters into play.
Single-team Curve shouldn't have a chance vs, well, anything. It should never be the best build in any format, or even good. Why? It's too easy to build; it would mean the game does not have enough interesting interactions between teams. Also, if you're going to late game and not planning to set up "big kill turns" and they used up slots that are very bad early game for these, they deserve the curve vs curve wins. So Gamma bomb / Jean Gray should beat curve decks that just sit there and hope to stall without any big finish.
They really can't attack shift counters, that attacks resource points. If someone spends 2 on calliban, they wasted 2 resource points that could have been used to recruit a guy. Exiles, well they could make more cards that prevent too many guys from coming in at one turn. Time will tell if there is an answer, right now I just consider them the best aggro deck. I will say I feel like Exiles have too many easy ways to "cheat" resource expenditure... they do it far more abusively than Kree ever hoped to. I think the best nerf for them would be better early cards that stop come-into-play effects. Inherently I don't mind them swarming the board (Kree does that almost as well; and while good, they were hardly broken), it's mostly Sage and Mariko that cause issues.
The aggros got a huge shot in the arm; I think if there was a PC tommorow you would see aggro take the whole thing. It's not like they really needed it; SHIELD and Avengers and X-Babies were already smashing most curvish decks. I'd say control could suprisingly use some help; contrary to the two posters above.
I prefer splashy; at least, keeping 2 or 3 teams viable. I don't like Enemy-style "toolboxing", but I do like interesting decks that make teams work together. Mono-decks are boring and predictable. It's one reason I don't like Weapon X in this set; without ANY off-team hunters, there's no real diverse team interactions for them.
Aye, letting players directly attack shift counters is a very bad idea, as against anything but Exiles you're effectively stripping away your opponent's resource points. The problem isn't Shift, it's Blink. Shift on its own is fine.
Why bother typing when my answers have already been writen for me?:
Quote : Originally Posted by lebeau
Curvier? Swarmier? - I'm all for curvier, if you know what I mean ;)
Faster? Slower? - Not necessarily faster, but definitely not slower
Smashier? Controllier? - Maybe a little smashier, definitely not controllier
Simpler? More comborific? - Simpler. But with bait for people who like to play combos that rarely work.
More mono? More splashy? - More mono, less splash
I like curve and control, so I would love to see some cards help out these decks. I personally would love it if they errated blink-I think she should say when you recruit here-not when she comes into play. It might not matter but I think it would.
I like curve and control, so I would love to see some cards help out these decks. I personally would love it if they errated blink-I think she should say when you recruit here-not when she comes into play. It might not matter but I think it would.
No, that would almost certainly be perfect. Leave Exiles playable while shutting down the easiest abuse.
all that would do is slow them down a turn maybe, but honestly i think that would hurt the exiles too much to hinder blink.. instead of turn4/5 kills it would be more like kree in the form of turn 6 kills
Aye, letting players directly attack shift counters is a very bad idea, as against anything but Exiles you're effectively stripping away your opponent's resource points. The problem isn't Shift, it's Blink. Shift on its own is fine.
I agree Shift on its own would be fine without 5 Drop Rogue, 3 Drop Blink, 2 Drop Proteus. (Well actually Proteus can stay. He/She's cool. :) ) and that Panoptichron should remove a character from the game. Not shifted with 0 counters.
I am a strong believer that for every card you need a counter no matter what. Right now in MA, we need a generic Equipment Hate card, and something to deal with characters that are shifted.
I would also say reprint System Failure, but stall doesn't more help.
And actually I agree with Lebeau when he said my made up card would be dead more time then not in my hand.
So I'll change it too...
(Insert Plot Twist name for this card)
Play only during the combat Phase.
Choose One : KO an equipment with cost 1 or less or Target player removes 2 shift counters from a shifted character he shifted this game.
There! 2 birds with one stone. :)
My opinion. Not saying it to gain popularity. I am saying this would make me like Modern Age again.
Ooh...and Removing the Energize keyword too. (This is also an unbiased opinion, since my main MA deck runs it and would be still be good without it.)
all that would do is slow them down a turn maybe, but honestly i think that would hurt the exiles too much to hinder blink.. instead of turn4/5 kills it would be more like kree in the form of turn 6 kills
And I'm totally fine with that. An explosive turn 6 kill is at least something you can prepare for and deal with. On 4 it's just too fast.
all that would do is slow them down a turn maybe, but honestly i think that would hurt the exiles too much to hinder blink.. instead of turn4/5 kills it would be more like kree in the form of turn 6 kills
People complained about Kree and this is how they did it too.