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Introduction: The Heroclix RPSC (stands for Role-Playing Strategy Campaign) is a system we've created in an attempt to create a sort of RPG-like campaign game for Heroclix. We didn't change any rules, we only added protocol to build up stats so that players can improve their characters and team. You can read the whole discussion startinghere.
Now, this is the first "issue" of the first of these campaigns. By way of explanation, I'll boil it down to that I'm not gonna try to fit this campaign in any part of actual continuity; I'm blazing my own trail. This is a brand new Avengers (though the characters will essentially stay the same) that will grow and change based on Spinebreaker's choices, and my story posts.
So without further ado, Avengers #1.
Professor Charles Xavier sipped from a cup of tea calmly.
“…But now to the heart of the matter,” Captain America said, after what had been a poor attempt at small talk. “Quicksilver. I know you and your team have had the most experience with him.”
“My evaluation of Pietro has led me to conclude that not only is he of sound mind and body, but also that his positive change was truly genuine.”
Cap waded through the phrasing, and translated it to mean that Quicksilver was an okay guy. “And the same for Wanda?”
“I’m just inclined to be a little wary of them. I’ve run into the Brotherhood every now and again myself, and he especially
seemed pretty zealous. I’ll still keep one eye open.”
“I would be surprised if you didn’t,” Professor X said. “If they should turn back to their old ways, know that you have my aide.”
“Thank you,”
“Of course,” the Professor said as he turned his wheelchair toward the door. As he was leaving, Quicksilver and Wanda walked in.
“Oh, hello, Professor,” Pietro said nervously. “Is something wrong?”
“No,” Professor X answered. “I was just having a cup of tea with Captain America.”
Quicksilver watched the man leave. “You have tea with
Professor Xavier?” He asked Captain America.
“Yeah,” Cap answered. The Prof, the Queen, sometimes the President, although most presidents only pretend to like tea...”
“So, what’s the business for today?”
“The Masters of Evil have been on the rise lately; they definitely bear watching.”
“Speaking of which,” Wanda said, listening to the police radio. “Whirlwind and Klaw have been seen downtown!”
“I’d bet ten to one they’re working with the Masters of Evil. Come on, let’s go.”
“Without Bruce?” Quicksilver asked, referring to Bruce Banner, the last member of Cap's newly-formed team.
“There’s no time. He’ll be in for the next one. Right now, we've got to stop these guys.”
100 pt. game. Use Marvel map 2 on CreationMatrix; Klaw is at W11 and Whirlwind is at W15. Spinebreaker, set up your guys and roll for initiative.
As Simon Cowell likes to say, off you go.
Edit: I just rolled for initiative, and got a twelve (lucky you I got it now!), so I guess I'll be going first. I'll do that as soon as you place your figures.