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Tournament Information: Marvel HeroClix: Ultimates is the first expansion for the Marvel HeroClix:Universe rotation. After July 14, 2004, the following sets will be tournament legal in Marvel HeroClix Tournaments: Universe, Clobberin' Time, Critical Mass, Xplosion, and Ultimates.
Sneak Peeks: Sneak Peeks start Monday, May 3, 2004. Check back then!
Normally Sneek Peeks go every wednesday, but this'll be interesting...well not really. ULTIMATES S.P.'s ARE COMING...well, what are you waiting for? START PRAYING!!!
Typo's been fixed, and my pseudo-alarmist Sky-is-Falling Critical Mass is banned thread has also been fixed. It felt good to be obnoxious for a minute.
This is What I Want(ed, circa GSX/2010): Nextwave ATA: 100 pts. may use all Team Abilities as long as force is only Nextwave keyword.