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beast2(4) to incap sat girl(15) need 11
-roll 7 (5,2)
The Renegade:
Lightning Lord (E FF Human Torch) (0/6)
Lightning Beast1 (E Boomerang) (0/5)
Lightning Beast2 (E Boomerang) (2/5) i12@
Auto-Turret1 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) l10
Auto-Turret2 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret3 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) p11
Auto-Turret4 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret5 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
For future reference: wouldn't Live Wire have to copy the Syndicate TA when Beast2/Boomerang is friendly (i.e. after the successful Mind Control but before Beast2/Boomerang carried out his action)? Then it's legal, right?
as i understand it yes, he just can't copy FF from Saturn girl is she is the only one to adopt the TA etc.
Honestly, I never thought of using MC like that until this game too. That's really a brilliant move. But when your forced to use all WC I guess you have to come up with ways like that to copy TAs. The new Icons rules really helps him too since he gets to keep the TA even on the characters "death".
In the game of chess you can never let your opponent see your pieces
Yeah and since I can't recruit people with other TAs for awhile...I had to do SOMETHING with the WC TAs. It woulda been such a waste. It also adds a bit more strategy on what to MC...if there's multiple TAs out yeah, gotta do whatever I can..
Turn 13B
(free) Saturn Girl will perplex up Live Wire's range to 9
Garth will use SG's attack value due to the Syndicate TA. He'll RCE Turret3. AV 9 vs DV 16. Roll is 3, 5. Hit and Turret4 takes 2 clicks.
Cosmic boy will move to M17 and hope for the best.
The Renegade:
Lightning Lord (E FF Human Torch) (0/6)
Lightning Beast1 (E Boomerang) (0/5)
Lightning Beast2 (E Boomerang) (2/5) i12@
Auto-Turret1 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) l10
Auto-Turret2 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret3 (V AIM Agent) (2/4) p11
Auto-Turret4 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret5 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
turret1(8) to cosmic boy(15) need 7 to do 2 clix
-roll 7 (5,2) hit
turret3(7) to cosmic boy(13) need a 6 to do 2
-roll 9 (5,4) ko
The Renegade:
Lightning Lord (E FF Human Torch) (0/6)
Lightning Beast1 (E Boomerang) (0/5)
Lightning Beast2 (E Boomerang) (2/5) i12
Auto-Turret1 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) l10@
Auto-Turret2 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret3 (V AIM Agent) (2/4) p11@
Auto-Turret4 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret5 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Darn...cos isn't getting any TAP. Oh was worth a try...
Turn 14B
Saturn Girl will perplex up her range to 9. She'll attempt to MC Turret3. AV 9 vs DV 14. Roll is 6, 5. Successful. Turret3 will attack Beast2. AV 7 vs DV 12. Roll is 3, 4. Hit and Beast2 is KO'ed.
The Renegade:
Lightning Lord (E FF Human Torch) (0/6)
Lightning Beast1 (E Boomerang) (0/5)
Lightning Beast2 (E Boomerang) (0/5)
Auto-Turret1 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) l10@
Auto-Turret2 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret3 (V AIM Agent) (2/4) p11@
Auto-Turret4 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret5 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Since you can't really do anything since you're out of range, I'll go ahead and take my last turn and finish it...well as finish as I can get.
Turn 15B
Saturn girl will perplex up Live Wire's range to 9
Live Wire will use TA to use SG's attack of 9. Live Wire will RCE Turret3. AV 9 vs DV 14. Roll is 1, 5. Hit and the Turret is KO'ed.
The Renegade:
Lightning Lord (E FF Human Torch) (0/6)
Lightning Beast1 (E Boomerang) (0/5)
Lightning Beast2 (E Boomerang) (0/5)
Auto-Turret1 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) l10@
Auto-Turret2 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret3 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret4 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret5 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
And that's game. Thanks for a good game Doc! I just placed everything very badly. I think putting those objects there totally screwed me. I didn't get to use cosmic boy to much either...oh well. But again, thanks for the game!
Lightning Lord (E FF Human Torch) - 81
Lightning Beast (E Boomerang) - 34
Lightning Beast (E Boomerang) - 34
Auto-Turret (V AIM Agent) - 15
Auto-Turret (V AIM Agent) - 15
Auto-Turret (V AIM Agent) - 15
Auto-Turret (V AIM Agent) - 15
Total: 209
209 x 0.25 = 52 TAP = 13 TXP, 0 TAP
Totals for this Issue #3
R Cosmic Boy - 0 IXP, 0 IAP
R Saturn Girl - 4 IXP, 3 IAP
R Live Wire - 3 IXP, 3 IAP
R Brainiac 5 - 0 IXP, 3 IAP
R Kid Quantum - 1 IXP, 1 IAP
40 TAP = 10 TXP, 0 TAP
13 TXP, 0 TAP + 10 TXP, 0 TAP = 23 TXP, 0 TAP
Previous Team Totals
R Cosmic Boy - 7 IXP, 1 IAP
R Saturn Girl - 10 IXP, 1 IAP
R Live Wire - 9 IXP, 0 IAP
R Wildfire - 10 IXP, 0 IAP
R Brainiac 5 40 * - 4 IXP, 2 IAP
R Kid Quantum 49 ** - 5 IXP, 1 IAP
111 TXP, 0 TAP
New Team Totals
R Cosmic Boy - 7 IXP, 1 IAP
R Saturn Girl - 15 IXP, 0 IAP
R Live Wire - 12 IXP, 3 IAP
R Wildfire - 10 IXP, 0 IAP
R Brainiac 5 40 * - 5 IXP, 1 IAP
R Kid Quantum 49 ** - 6 IXP, 2 IAP
“You’re done, Mekt,” Cosmic Boy called out. They had lost sight of the renegade during the fight with the lightning-beasts. From behind a row of tables and high-tech equipment, a burst of lightning exploded forth, knocking the computers, tools, and rows of chemicals and monitors flying forward at the Legion.
“I am the Lightning Lord! None can stand in my way!” Mekt came flying up from the explosion and bored his way through the walls back further into the compound.
“Follow him,” Brainiac said, expanding his force-field to protect the Legion from the debris in the air. “His next move will be for more power - he isn’t finished, yet.”
The Legionnaires took to flight, following the path of destruction to find the Lightning Lord opening a massive vault door to a secret chamber.
“Mekt, what are you doing?” Live Wire screamed, seeing the pack of lightning beasts hooked up to wires and tubes within the chamber. “It’s suicide!”
“No - it’s power!” Mekt said. Lightning was seeping from his pores, leaking from his eyes and crackling over his teeth as he talked. “A never-ending source of energy that will make me stronger than all you stupid kids put together!”
“Stop it, Mekt - the lightning’s messed you up!” Live Wire walked forward slowly, reaching out to his older brother and pleading. He could barely recognize Mekt’s face, it had so twisted during his exile. “Whatever you’re doing, it’s hurting you - fracking your brain. Don’t go in there--“
“I have to, Gar! I need the power to change the universe - to make it right. You won’t help? Fine, I’ll do it myself. But I won’t hold myself back because you’re too sprocking scared to do what needs to be done. I’m through with the Legion’s kiddie games.”
“Brother, please…don’t do this…”
“Later, G,” Mekt said, his face softening almost imperceptibly as he entered the lightning chamber. “Next time you see me, I’ll have changed the whole establishment. Maybe when you see what I’ve done for all us underagers, you’ll understand.”
“NO!” Live Wire screamed, rushing forward. But it was too late. The vault door closed and the locks whirled in place. He flung himself against the door and tried to force it open, but Saturn Girl pulled him back.
*It’s too late,* she said in his mind. *You have to let him go.*
The turbines in the lab chugged to life, pumping power through to the chamber. Lights went on and sparked everywhere, computer screens cycling through data at unreadable speeds. The room darkened as the chamber sucked in all the energy from the hidden base, and Cosmic Boy had to grab Saturn Girl and Live Wire and pull them back out of the room. The last sound they heard before the explosion was the tortured scream of Mekt Ranzz.
“Anything?” Cos asked Brainiac 5.
“No signs at all,” the coluan answered. He put away his scanning equipment after tapping a few more keys. “The Lightning Lord is dead.”
“Long live the Legion,” Cosmic Boy sighed. “This doesn’t feel like a victory.”
“Get used to it,” Brainiac said flatly. “The bigger the stakes, the more murky the triumph. No battle worth fighting is won without cost, and the more important conquest becomes, the darker that cost becomes.”
“Sounds surprisingly poetic, Brainy.”
“Add it to the tally of disasters brought by this madman.”
“Ready to go?”
“Yes, please. I have work waiting for me,” Brainiac said, cold as usual. Cosmic Boy lead the way back to the Bouncing Boy, looking on as Saturn Girl comforted Live Wire. He had been sullen and unreachable since the explosion, and Imra had taken it upon herself to ease his pain in whatever way she could. Kid Quantum was resting after having been sorely injured in the fight.
“You alright, Kid?” Cosmic Boy asked, walking over to her. She looked up with wide eyes and smiled.
“I’m okay, I guess. I wasn’t expecting it to be so… well, I guess it was stupid of me. It’s a fight, right? Not like he’s gonna go easy. I guess I just-- is it always this hard?”
“It gets better,” Cos smiled at her, helping the girl to her feet. “And eventually? Eventually it’ll all be done.”
“Thanks, Cos.”
“No problem, Q. Let’s get home and see if the SP left Legion World standing for another day.”