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Brainiac 5 slowly eased back into consciousness. His vision was blurry and he could only make out the indistinct outline of the figure above him. She slowly came into focus.
“Just like an angel…” he murmured.
“What was that?” she giggled.
Brainy suddenly sat straight up, his cheeks blushing.
“Nothing. Just guttural sounds one makes upon regaining consciousness.:
“Umm, OK. ‘Cause I have super-hearing and everything and I thought you just said…”
“Computo!” Brainy shouted, somehow relieved that the threat of imminent death was there to break up this awkward moment.
“Relax, he’s junk. The rest of your team is cleaning up the leftovers. Cosmic Kid asked…”
“Cosmic Boy.”
“Right, sorry. Anyway, he asked that we check on the wounded. You took a pretty big bump on the head. You sure you should be sitting up?”
“I’ll be fine. We should gather the team.”
Nearby Tasmia was setting Jasmin’s arm in a makeshift splint, designed to hold until they returned to the ship with its medical supplies.
Imra hovered over Cosmic Boy, dabbing at the nasty cut on his forehead with a torn piece of her costume.
Rokk smiled sheepishly at Imra.
“Thanks, I think I’ll be OK.”
“Yow! Hey, watch it Sparky!” exclaimed Wildfire, ”The party’s over. You can turn off the juice, now.”
Lightning Lad unclenched his fists in surprise. And let the electricity crackling off of him die out.
“Sorry buddy, my mind was somewhere else.” He said, but he couldn’t help staring at his best friend smiling like a nass-head at the girl he loved.
Brainy strolled up to the deactivated siegebot, his Omnicron flashing numbers at a near imperceptible rate beneath his lightning fast fingers.
“Hmmm,” he grimaced, “Something’s wrong.”
“With the giant robotic killing machine that just tried to eviscerate us? What makes you say that?” asked Drake sarcastically.
“You unsubtle attempts at humour, continue to be wasted. Based on the fragments of code remaining here, I can verify that Computo has been substantially rewritten.”
“Didn’t we know that already?”
“No, I said he had self-actualised and expanded beyond his programming, but the changes I’m seeing here are something Computo couldn’t have altered himself.”
“Meaning what?”
“That someone hacked my code and rewrote it!”
Cos looked around grimly.
“Can you confirm that we’ve stopped Computo, Brainy.”
Brianiac 5 sighed testily.
“Computo was not simply some killer Robot you beat up with your Neanderthallic aggression. He was a program, and presumably has been backed up somewhere, or worse downloaded onto the Net. We may be able to destroy his manufacturing facility here, but Computo himself could be anywhere and everywhere right now.”
“Do we have any idea who is behind this?”
“None. Whoever it is, they are highly intelligent and resourceful. It would take an intellect of exceeding brilliance to be able to crack my code.”
“He’s a little high on himself, huh?” whispered Supergirl to Tasmia.
”You’re seeing him on one of his more humble days.”
“Well, um yes,” stumbled Brainy, “noticing Supergirl and Shadow Lass giggling together,
“That brings us to our other problem…”
The others all turned and looked at Kara.
“Oh yeah. Hi, my name’s Supergirl. I’m from the planet Earth. Well, not originally, but that’s where I live now. Obviously I’ve ended up somewhere else in the galaxy, and while I didn’t understand half of what you all were just talking about, I thought I’d lend a hand against your Big Bad. But if it’s not too much trouble, I’d really like to get home and figure out what happened to my cousin. If any of you have heard of Earth that is…”
“We’re based on Earth too.” said Jasmin quietly.
“Really, wow. What a co-incidence. Sorry, I don’t recognise you, I’m still a little new. Are you guys affiliated with the Titans or something?”
“The who?” asked Wildfire scratching his helmet.
“Look, why is everyone staring at this girl all saucer-eyed? I don’t see the problem bringing her back with us.” huffed Shadow Lass.
Cosmic Boy looked a little startled, and then realised Tasmia’s confusion.
“I forgot Talok VII was still in seclusion back then. Supergirl was one of the last survivors of Krypton, she came to Earth with her cousin Superman and the two of them started the new Heroic Age.”
“Remember the orientation videos, they’re the two legends the Legion is based on,” offered Kid Quantum.
“’Legends’? ‘Based on’? Listen guys it’s nice to have fans, but my cousin and I are regular people. When we get back I’ll introduce you.”
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible,” said Brainiac 5.
“Sure it will. I know he’s busy with the League but I can work something out.”
“But Superman’s been dead for a long time!” blurted out Lightning Lad, receiving a quick elbow in the ribs from Imra.
“What?” he asked.
Kara’s face went ashen.
“D..D..Dead? When? How? Who?”
Her fists clenched up and her eyes began to smoulder.
“But, it’s been, like hundreds of years,” protested Lightning Lad.
The fire went out of Kara’s eyes.
“Did you say ‘hundreds’? What are you talking about?”
“What my inarticulate colleague is trying to say is that you are no longer in your own time,” said Brainy stepping up to complete his scans of the young girl.
“Chronoton particles consistent. DNA match confirmed. This is Kara Zor-el, and she is from a time period almost exactly 1,000 years ago.”
“But Brainy, how is that possible?” asked Cos.
“And how do I get home?” asked Kara, looking around nervously.
“Both excellent questions that I don’t know the answer to,” said Brainy, furiously typing into his Omnicron.