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Invisible Kid I died in the early 70s, but in a 1990 Secret Origin story, it was implied that he had a relationship with Chemical King (also died in the same era). So it was done posthumously and by a writer who had never previously written the Legion and never would going forward. Nonetheless, a lot of Legion readers have accepted the story.
I'm interested in seeing Shvaughn Erin on the list, but not seeing Element Lad.
Element Lad was suspected of being a homosexual character under original continuity, and that's a big reason why they brought in Science Police member Shvaughn Erin as a character in the series to court Element Lad.
It was actually under the "Five Years Later" run where the Lightning Lass/Shrinking Violet relationship came to fruition, and it's the same run where Shvaughn Erin was revealed to be actually a male who ran out of "Pro Fem" since it was no longer produced under a Dominator-ruled Earth. He revealed it to Element Lad in a letter, and Element Lad came back to him later on to reveal that it didn't matter than "Sean" Erin was a man.
Except if you're trans and identify as a woman you aren't a man. If you're a man dating a trans woman that's a heterosexual relationship.