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Other Figures that could conceivably be used in an Excalibur team:
Nightcrawler (duh )
And, uh, Dr. Doom? (could happen! They teamed up for a couple issues...) Maybe pretend Jane Foster is really Moria McTaggert?
I have to give Kaitouace points for hitting the nail on the head.
So here I go adding to Kaitouace's sig again, but he hit the nail on the head. FOOM is very playable.
(Heh, I have to agree with the others who have said that we REALLY need Captain Britain and Megan now.)
"Think of it, Batman. To never again walk on a summer's day with a hot wind in your face and a warm hand to hold. Oh yes, I'd KILL for that." Mister Freeze
"You may think I am evil. I am not. I am efficient." Darth Maul
I appreciate them trying a sculpt like this, but it didn't quite make it for me. I think the Rachel portion is good, but would have been better without the fire bird.